Ortmann GmbH
Ortmann GmbH


Ortmann GmbH is a leading supplier of engineering equipment and instrumentation for the oil and  gas industries in Iraq. Together with our partners - leading German and European manufacturers - we develope the industry to higher standards. Our people combine industry expertise, multi-disciplinary skills and innovation to solve complexe engineering procedures, quality control and maintenance requirements for oil and gas installations.


Ortmann GmbH provides inspection and engineering services for Iraqi customers inside and outside of Iraq in cooperation with DNV Industrial Services GmbH, Hamburg - Germany - a worldwide operating inspection and engineering company. For further details please see www.dnvgl.com. In case you are engaged in projects which require such services please contact us.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us:


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Here you find us:

Ortmann GmbH

Hamburg (Germany)


Phone:: +49 (0)171 488 1006

Mail: d.ortmann@test-and-measure.com



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